Rablogan Castle
where old world heraldry, chivalry,
romance and charm still exist

The Scribbings of the Chronicler


Winter is upon us again. The crops have been harvested. They are stored away for the colder times ahead. The usual chill of the highlands has started to be felt but the snow has not as yet started to cover the land and adorn the hills, tress and hoemsteads. It has been a very different time, here in the highlands, this summer and autumn. The weather has been less predictable but no less enjoyable for those of us who were blessed with staying around to enjoy it. Unfortunately, our laird was required to travel to distant lands for a period. He was not here to enjoy many of the magnificent highland days that graced our lives. But he hath returned and we are thankful for now we can move forward strongly into the winter months and ensure that the feelings of love and warmth that are part of the Yuletide season embrace us, one and all.

Inside the castle, we are busying ourselves for the winter activities. The fire has been lit ad will burn until spring; the drapes have been pulled to keep out the cold and capture the warmth within; preparations ae well under way for the festivities to come and the business of the winter season is being embraced in every way. Winter is not a time of sleep at Rablogan Castle but rather a time of warmth. love and caring that is nurtured by the elements that encourage every one of us to spend more time with each other and in each others embarce.

Cors, the castle cat, has had a very busy summer and fall meeting new friends, little ones that he often brought home for a visit, and also maintaining his dominance over the animal population of his kingdom. However, as the winter winds start to blow in, he too is turning to warming abodes such as the rug in front of the fire. No doubt, he will take this winter season to 'eat, drink and be merry. like the rest of us.



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